10 Tips To Get Your Website Noticed

There are a number of different tricks to get your site noticed and attract visitors. Here is a list of a few ways that work to get people to your site.
1. Write good quality content
You've probably heard the saying "Content is king" there's a reason for that. You can have all the fancy designs and know all the tricks to getting a great site, but if your content sucks it doesn't mean anything. This should be your primary focus.
2. Monitor your site
Understanding what works and what doesn't will allow you to stay on top of what's going on. Using sites such as Google Analytics will help you understand what people are using to not only find your site but also give you ideas for future topics as well.
3. Use email signatures
Whenever you send out an email make sure that you include a link to your site as well. It's a simple idea that works really well.
4. Write articles
Want to give people a reason to visit your site, submit articles. Not only to article directories such as EzineArticles, there are dozens of sits you can submit to. Not only will the article itself be a link back to your site, but a well written article can also be picked up and used on other blogs and websites giving you even more exposure.
5. Use social networking sites
If you don't already have accounts on sites like Facebook, Twitter, Digg, and StumbleUpon then get out there and join up. Social networking sites can make your content go viral.
6. Make your site mobile friendly
Like social media having your site viewable on a mobile device such as a Blackberry or iPhone opens your site up to even more people. There are sites like Mobify Me that will help you create a mobile version of your site for free that is custom designed specifically for the smaller screens of these kinds of devices.
7. Add widgets to your site
This doesn't mean that you fill your site with every widget known to man, but if you have something that's useful then use it.
8. Get on YouTube
Create tutorial videos, advertise your products, or just create something that will interest people. People are more visually inclined these days, so don't only post videos on YouTube post them on your site to help keep them on there longer as well.
9. Create a widget
This goes hand in hand with number 7. Creating your own widgets is a great way to get your site noticed as these will be added onto other sites. Just remember to make sure they know how to get to your site.
10. Networking events
These are a great way to not only meet new people, but get the word out about your site and what services you offer. This is also a good way to exchange ideas or find people who might be able to help either promote your site or offer a service to improve it. Keep business cards on hand to pass out to people who are interested in what your site is about as well.
A little about me
I am a former Canadian Forces soldier who has served the military honourably for 7 years. My website http://www.therazors-edge.com/ covers a wide range of topics from general tips, reviews, and videos. It's main focus though is basic SEO tips for those new to websites and blogging


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