By Sean R Mize
What is SEO?
What is SEO? SEO stands for search engine optimization and is the process of optimizing, or maximizing your webpages, and the linking structure of other webpages, which link to your webpage in such a way that the search engines give you higher rankings for your chosen keywords.
Why Is SEO So Important?So why is SEO so important? Millions of people daily search for information on the search engines. For any given search term, there are anywhere from a few hundred to a few million search results that reference that given search term. Generally speaking, the search results are designed to be ranked in the order of their relevance to the searcher's search term, or keyword (or keyword phrase).
Most people, when searching for a keyword or keyword phrase, will click on one of top 10 search results on the first page of the search results, or will initiate another search. Therefore in order to gain a reasonable amount of search engine traffic, a website should appear in the top 10 search results for a given keyword. Given the fact that there are for some keywords millions, literally millions of websites having some relevance to the keyword, it can often be a difficult feat, if not almost impossible, to get your webpage in the first 10 search results for a given keyword.
However, by learning the techniques by which the search engines decide which webpages should show in the top 10 search results of a given keyword or keyword phrase, and by optimizing your Web site, in such a way that your website outperforms other websites or webpages in the search engines algorithms, you can literally send your website or webpage to the top 10 search results in the search engines, surpassing many other webpages and websites, if you know what to do.
Many of the guidance, tutorials and information on SEO, in my opinion, are overloaded with far too much detail, and multiple things to do to obtain good search engine rankings without indicating which few of those things to do are actually relevant and necessary to get the top 10 search engine rankings. My personal opinion is that the reason for this is that most of the producers of SEO information are geared towards selling SEO products, software, and advanced tools. By making SEO out to be something very difficult for the average webmaster to perform, it makes their products, software and advanced tools more salable.
However, I believe that SEO can be done in the average webmaster or the average Internet Web business owner with relatively little effort, if the basic tools are understood.
In the past, I have avoided writing on the SEO topic, because in a lot of ways it deviates for my specialization, which is list building an article marketing. However, I am appalled at the lack of good SEO information and have therefore decided to write this short book to teach you what I have learned in the last six months that has enabled me to drive massive traffic to various websites and webpages.
By the way, do you want to learn more about using articles like this to drive traffic to your website and increase online conversions?
If so, I suggest you check this out: article marketing traffic
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