8 Simple Signs to Be Aware of and Avoid If Hear From an SEO Company Or Consultant

Expert Author Helene Hall
1. Suggested high Specific Keyword Densities: Having good keyword density is important but, what is more important is having natural, readable content. Run away from consultants that say they would achieve or recommend you to have a keyword density of 15%. Tip: Focus on natural readable, human content. Keyword density around 3-4% is manageable.
2. Promises high amount of links within a short time frame, Stop turn around and leave a.s.a.p. You do not want Google to see that on one day you had no links and then two weeks later you have 200! Its important that link building is a natural process. Think about it, the search engines want to see that people like your site and recommend it i.e. put a link back to your site. Now its not very likely that a new site or a site with low page rank will genuinely have lots of links in a short time. What you need to do is have a SEO plan where links are built over months resulting in beneficial benefits.
3. Lump Directory submissions: there are tons of submit your website to 500 directories online tools that came out a while ago. Dont do it, its not worth the time or money. Any directory that lets Anyone, any industry, any site is not worth being on.
4. Too Good to be true deals: I have personally come across companies that assure their customers that they are fully aware of the SEO guidelines, that all their links are manual and that they are 100% ethical. That is fair enough and there are good companies like ourselves out there but if a price seems too good to be true take a further look and see examples of their work. Some companies that do links submissions and article creation, create and merge other companies articles together and create a larger article with the required link text within it. From what I have seen there have been around 7 to 11 different companies sharing the same article, the same link juice. Diluting everything. Be wary. SEO for your company should be uniquely yours and is a time consuming process that is not inexpensive.
5. Naive Use Of Social Sites: Some companies offer to set up Social media sites but what you should avoid is if they suggest that they have a group of workers that will vote on your articles and get you on the front page of digg etc. and drive a whole bunch of traffic. Why should you avoid this? Because you are likely to get your sites URL banned. Another is that unless the article is interesting and useful, Quality Content is always the KEY - then you are not going to get a lot of link juice anyway, so its of poor ROI and minimal SEO value.
6. Unethical techniques: If it doesn't sound like a benefit to the reader - the Search User, stay clear. For example, if the company suggests putting hidden text on pages, redirecting users to a different site, any tricks, any deception do not do it and do not use their services.
7. If they tell you its too complicated for you to understand: Yes SEO is time consuming and you have to learn and understand the process but you do not need to be a scientist to understand some of the simple basic practices. There are a lot of things to take into account and more than can be discussed in a brief conversation but if they avoid explaining the basics they obviously do not understand it themselves.
8. Overseas mass SEO link building companies: Now this may be a little controversial and I am sure that there are some good companies in India but from our own research and some of our clients previous experiences, I felt that I should mention the experiences when using these services. It seems as some companies have hundreds of people adding links on extremely low wages, with little knowledge of SEO and more hast. Links have come out broken, inaccurate and been mass submitted against the SEO guidelines. How can you feel safe in situations like this?
For more information visit my Online Marketing Blog [http://www.theiwebmedia.com/blog] and for all your internet marketing needs visit iWeb Media.
Helene Hall is the CEO of iWeb Media. The complete solution to internet marketing exploiting the latest techniques and strategies to design the best possible web solutions for clients all around the world. SEO, website design and multimedia expertise at the highest quality.
Helene has worked within such companies as Toshiba, Lundbeck, Ashfield in2Focus, NHP Plc etc. She draws on 10 years of experience within Web design, programming, sales and marketing from the ground up. Having worked within the Sales and Marketing forces of some hugely successful companies she is able to translate her sales and marketing acrumen into an effective online strategies to increase revenue and profit for her clients.


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